) 检查被测灯具外观无缺陷;
Check the appearance of lamps and lanterns being measured without defect;
b) 检查灯具功能正常;
Check for normal function of lamps and lanterns;
c) 检查灯具密封性能,需要满足 4.8.4 密封性能要求;
Check the sealing performance of lamps and lanterns, need to meet 4.8.4 sealing performance
d) 检查灯具的光学性能:需要满足 4.12.4 配光性能和色度的要求;
Check the optical performance of lamps and lanterns: need to meet the requirements of performance
and chromaticity 4.12.4 light distribution;
e) 试验前处理条件:先取下后盖、灯泡、透气结构等密封零件,再将产品放入温度为 80℃±5℃
在烘箱中烘烤 2 小时。将产品取出在温度为 23℃±5℃ 及相对湿度(50±5)%RH 的环境下冷
却 30 分钟,随后进行双温箱雾气验证试验项目。
Test before processing conditions: first to remove the back cover, the light bulb, air sealing parts,
such as the structure to put product in a temperature of 80℃±5℃ baking in the oven for 2 hours.
To remove the product at a temperature of 23℃±5℃ and relative humidity (50±5) % RH under
the environment of cooling for 30 minutes, then double thermostat fog proof test project.