参见:Q/JLY J7110230E-2020
将整灯安装在模拟车身环境的工装上,按照装车方向把工装固定在试验台架上,同时调整模拟光源 的灯光照射角度,使模拟的辐射光源能照射到试验灯上。 Install the lamp on the simulation environment of car body tooling, the tooling on the test bed frame according to the loading direction, adjust the simulation with the lamplight illuminate Angle of light source at the same time, make the simulation of the radiation light source to illuminate to the test lamp. 图 8 太阳光聚焦试验 Figure 8 Sunlight focusing test 试验方法:对光学结构进行扫描,确认是否有太阳光聚焦点。 Test method: the structure of optical scanning, confirm whether there is a sun focal point. 在高度角 a(0-90°)和方位角 b(-45°、0°、45°)范围内对光学结构进行光照辐射验证。 In the high Angle (0-90°) and azimuth b (-45°, 0°, 45°) within the scope of optical structure for illumination radiation proof. a) 按表 5 调节角度要求,将透镜调节到 POS1 位置; According to the requirements of table 5 adjust Angle, the lens to adjust to the POS1 position; b) 调整光线,将辐射光源调整到 0 度位置,将光线入射角度进行调整,可以调整光源,也可以调 整整灯,也可以同时调整,对整灯面罩所示区域(高度角 0-90°和方位角-45°、0°、45°范 围内)进行光照辐射验证,如图 5 所示; Adjusting radiation light source light will adjust to the zero position, the light incident Angle adjustment, can adjust the light source, also can adjust the lamp, can also be adjusted at the same time, the whole area shown in light mask (0-90° Angle and azimuth Angle to 45°, within the scope of 0°, 45°) verified light radiation, as shown in figure 5; c) 设置辐射强度 1120±10% W/m²,即照射到灯上的辐射强度为 1120±10% W/m²,灯具周围环境 温度控制在 40±2°C; Set the radiation intensity of 1120 + / - 10% W/m squared, i.e. on exposure to light radiation intensity of 1120 + / - 10% W/m squared, lamps and lanterns to ambient temperature control in 40 + 2°C; d) POS1 档位测试完成后,接着对下一个调节角度重复进行上面的试验,调节角度要求如表 5,角 度值应符合经规定程序批准的图纸要求,见图 6。 POS1 gear after completion of the test, then the next adjust Angle above the repeated test, adjust Angle in table 5, the Angle values should conform to the requirements of the approved by the prescribed procedures of drawing, as shown in figure 6. 注:辐射光源移动角度≤0.3 度/min。 Note: mobile synchrotron radiation Angle of 0.3 degrees or less/min